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Remote check in
with the QR code door opener

New: no electrical devices to be installed outside!

Is your B&B far away and it's raining outside?

Are you traveling, or is your guest arriving early ... or late, or late at night?

We have the solution for you, to make the door open safely without you being present or having to disturb you.

KEY39_apriporta 1.png


See how it works

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Discounts on quantities. Transport included / contact us to order it, or ..


Call +39 3477826707 / Write to

Mon - Fri: 9 - 18.
Saturday: 10am - 2pm.
Closed on Sundays.


The smart door opener

No electrical devices to install outside the door ... and NO SUBSCRIPTION!

KEY39 is an electronic device that is installed inside your room and that controls the opening of the door when the customer scans the QR code with his mobile phone. It is a system that discourages vandals from tampering with external door openers. It uses the local WIFI network, it is easy to install and very simple to use.

HOW DOES IT WORK? The Customer will not have to download any APP, as soon as he scans the QR code on the mobile phone, a screen opens that invites him to enter a PIN that you have previously communicated to him. He inserts it ... and the door opens.

Alternatively, you can open the door to him  distance wherever you are in the world, you ask him to notify you when he has arrived and from your mobile phone you command the door to open.

Every  device  commands a door, or an internal door + the  front door  external. Contact us if there are any doubts!


ATTENZIONE - Condizioni di vendita di questo prodotto

Trattandosi di un prodotto che per funzionare utilizza Internet a seguito dell'acquisto registreremo il Vostro dispositivo in un nostro server dedicato.  La configurazione del Vostro dispositivo sul server sarà a nostro carico così come la prima quota di abbonamento annuale sarà inclusa nel costo del prodotto.

Dal secondo anno, se desiderate continuare ad utilizzare il dispositivo a seguito di una nostra comunicazione dovrete provvedere al rinnovo dell'abbonamento dello spazio server che ammonta a € 36 Iva inclusa (per anno). Seguirà la fattura.

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Via Monte Santo 10, Cagliari

(+39) 3477826707 -


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